Winners and Losers: Part 24 - Mary Magdalene: A Woman Who Adored Jesus

Kathy's Sunday School Lessons - Written for Young Boys and Girls by Kathryn Capoccia

© Copyright Kathryn Capoccia 2001. This file may be freely copied, printed out, and distributed as long as copyright and source statements remain intact, and that it is not sold.


I. Who Was She? MAT 27:56, 61; 28:1; MAR 15:40,47; 16:1-19; LUK 8:2; 24:10; JOH 19:25; 20:1-18.


A. Where did she live? She lived in ____________ a town on the coast of the Sea of Galilee, 3 mi. W. of Capernaum.


B. When did she live? She lived in the time of ____________ in the ___ century A. D.


C. Who were her people? Scripture says _____________ about her family.


D. Was she rich or poor? She must have been __________ (see LUK 8:3).


II. What did she do?


            A. She was freed.


1. What was she physically freed from in MAR 16:9 and LUK 8:2,3?


a. She was freed from __________ _____________. How many? _____.


b. According to LUK 8:2 she may have had some kind of ___________ as well.


*This next section is optional:


1) Ailments the Bible says may be caused by demons are:


            a) ______________ (MAT 17:15-19).


            b) ________________ (MAT 9:32,33).


            c) _______________(MAT 12:22).


            d) ______________ (LUK 13:10,16).


2) Another affliction is _____________ (JOH 10:20) which leads people to become ____________ (MAT 8:28) toward others or to hurt ________________ (MAR 5:5; 9:22; MAT 17:15).


2. What was she spiritually freed from? Spiritually she was freed from the penalty of ______.


                                    a. How do we know she became a believer?


1) She left everything and ________________ Jesus (LUK 23:55; JOH 12:26).


2) We know because she ________________ Jesus out of her own means (LUK 8:3; see LUK 12:34).


3) She was a _____________ (MAT 28:7).


b. What does the Bible say we become when we repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus? We become ______ ______________ (2CO 5:17) because we’ve been ________ __________ (JOH 3:3).


            B. She was a follower.


                        1. She had followed Jesus from ____________  (LUK 23:55).


a. When did she meet Jesus? She probably met Jesus in Galilee after the arrest of ________ ____ __________, when Jesus began His public ministry in Capernaum (MAT 4:12,13; MAR 1:14-27).


                                    b. Why did she follow Jesus?


1)). She __________ Jesus (1JO 4:19; see LUK 8:38; MAR 5:18).


2) Only Jesus had ____ ________ __ ____________ _____ (JOH 6:68).


                        2. She __________ for His needs (LUK 8:3).


3. She did not _______ ________ from _____________ teachings (JOH 6:60-69).


            C. She was faithful.


                        1. She remained with Jesus until the end:


a. At Calvary she ___________ ______ _ ___________(MAR 15:40).


b. Then she moved closer to be ________ ___ ________ (JOH 19:25).       


                        2. After His death she:


a. located His ________ (MAT 28:1; MAR 15:47).


b. She ___________ His tomb (MAT 27:61).


c. She purchased _________ with which to anoint Jesus (MAR 16:1 JOH 20:1). When did she use them? __ ___ _______ ___ __ ___ _____ (MAR 16:2).


d. She was the first to see the ________ _______ (MAR 16:9).


e. She reported the ________________ to the ___________ (LUK 24:10; JOH 20:18). 


f. She saw His ___________ into the clouds (LUK 24:51).


III. What Can We Learn From Her?



Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Kathy Capoccia's Sunday School Lessons for Young Adults" by:

Tony Capoccia
Bible Bulletin Board
Box 119
Columbus, New Jersey, USA, 08022
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