2003 Shepherd's Conference, A Ministry of Grace Community Church 818.909.5530.  © 2003 All Rights Reserved. Grace Community Church. A CD, MP3, or tape cassette copy of this session can be obtained by going to www.shepherdsconference.org

Changing Your Church without Your Church Changing You
(Handout – Study Notes)

Alex D. Montoya

Professor of Preaching, The Master’s Seminary



I.                   YOUR CHURCH CAN CHANGE YOU


A.                For the Better


·         Shape you up

·         Sharpen you up

·         Build you up

·         Cheer you up


B.                 For the Worse


·         Beat you up:  hurt you spiritually, emotionally, physically

·         Bum you out:  disillusion you in ministry

·         Burn you out:  drain you of all you emotional resources

·         Bend you out:  tempt you to compromise you ethics

·         Boot you out:  eliminate you from ministry



II.                THE DO’S OF THE EARLY YEARS


Some key suggestions to keep in mind in finding that first church and succeeding in the early years of ministry.


A.                Do find a church compatible with your doctrinal statement and with your philosophy of ministry.


·         Unequally yoked marriages do not last

·         Success comes through harmony


B.                 Do plan to stay for the long haul (unless its prearranged)


·         Shows commitment to the church

·         Demands commitment from the church


C.                 Do love your people


·         Your greatest virtue (cp. I Cor. 13:1ff.)

·         Creates community

·         Covers a multitude of sins (yours and theirs)

·         The key to everything else


D.                Do practice Biblical ministry


·         Expect Biblical ministry

·         Explain the basis for Biblical ministry

·         Execute Biblical ministry


E.                 Do dedicate yourself to the main tasks-Acts 2:42; 5:42; 6:4


·         Clarify the main tasks

·         Advance the ministry

·         Avoid sidetracks


F.                  Do equip the saints for ministry-Eph. 4:11-16


·         Goal of the ministry

·         Role of the minister

·         Role of the people


G.                Do establish vision and goals


·         Know what you need to do

·         Know where you want to go

·         Know how you plan to get there


H.                Do empower people and delegate duties-Exod.18


·         Avoids burnout

·         Avoids dissatisfaction

·         Avoids frustration

·         Avoids stagnation


I.                   Do the work of an evangelist


·         Mandated

·         Means of growing the church

·         Model for the church


J.                   Do continue learning


·         Ministry perfects what does work

·         Ministry purifies what doesn’t work

·         Areas of enhancement:


(1)    people skills

(2)    leadership and administration

(3)    preaching

(4)    evangelism






A.                  Don’t underestimate the magnitude of the task


“Ministry is hard work which demands that we work hard.”


B.                   Don’t try to change everything all at once


·         Change takes time

·         People resist change

·         Some things do not need to change


“Love people, disciple the saints, win the lost; all else is baggage.”


C.                   Don’t neglect your family or yourself


“If you lose your family or your health, you’ve lost your ministry.”


D.                  Don’t plunge yourself or your church into debt.


“Money does strange things to people.”


E.                   Don’t engage in needless battles.


“Pick the hill you intend to die on.”


F.                    Don’t criticize the previous administration


“Look forward; never look back except to learn or to laud.”


G.                  Don’t capitulate your leadership


“Stay in the driver’s seat.”


H.                  Don’t run from problems


“Problems do not run from you.  They must be solved.”


I.                     Don’t let people get you down


“Learn to forgive and forget.”


J.                     Don’t just focus on the problems.  Look for small victories


“Inspire yourself.”






            Do a check list above to see which of these we are breaking and which of these we are neglecting.  Ask a close friend or church member to also evaluation your ministry in light of these lists.





Finzel, Hans.  The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make.  Victor Books.  1994.  197 pp.

London, H.B. and Neil B. Wiseman.  Pastors at Risk.  Victor Books.  1992.  240 pp.

MacArthur, John.  Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry.  Word. 1995.  440 pp.

Saltar, Darius.  What Really Matters in Ministry.  Baker Book House.  1990.  199 pp.

Schallter, Lyle E.  The Small Church is Different.  Abingdon Press.  1982.  189 pp.

Stowell, Joseph.  Shepherding the Church into the 21st Century.  Victor Books. 1994.

273 pp.

Wiersbe, Warren and David W. Weirsbe.  Making Sense of Ministry.  Baker Book

            House.  1989.  153 pp.


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