
You recently sent out comments from a believer concerning the Beth Moore study Believing God. Well doesn't Romans 10:9 say that we are to confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord to be saved? I'm not sure what your concern is with Beth's comments that a person must confess with their mouths "Jesus is Lord." Can you clarify?


About Romans 10:9. The issue that Beth raised is that it is an absolute requirement to "confess with our mouths" in order to be saved.

I would disagree for the following reasons:

1. It is not the "profession" of our faith that saves us, but rather the "possession" of it. The Bible says that, we are saved by grace, through faith, which is a gift of God (Eph 2:8-9). The gift of faith will cause us to Repent of our sins; Believe that Jesus is who He claims to be, and also to Submit to His Lordship. Each of these three actions are "heart" actions or they would be considered works.

To repent means, that in my heart I have determined to walk a new direction. To turn away from my life of sin, because I hate that lifestyle and my sins. This is a change of our heart because we received the gift of faith in our heart (mind).

Likewise, I will, in my heart believe that Jesus is who He claims to be. I will conclude by reading and/or hearing the Word that Jesus is God, and the only Savior, and the only mediator between God and man. That He died for my sins on the Cross and was buried and then raised to life, because the Father accepted His sacrifice for us.

Lastly, in my heart, I will yield my life and will to the will of Jesus Christ, being willing to do all that He commands no matter the cost.

You see, all these three things occur in the heart as a result of the gift of faith and when they do, then we are at that moment saved--without saying a word or doing anything external.

2. The "profession" of our faith is a direct result of the "possession" of it. Because we have "in our hearts" Repented, Believed, and Submitted, then we will "confess" such with our mouths and actions. But our confession and actions don't save us.

3. Obviously, whenever we make certain requirements necessary for salvation then they must work in every possible salvation. For example, the people who want to say that water baptism is necessary for salvation, then what about "the thief on the cross"? Or the person who is in an aircraft that is about to crash? In both cases they can't be baptized, thus it one more proof that such a requirement cannot be valid. Likewise, to say that one "must confess with their mouths" means that if a person is mute (unable to speak) that they can't be saved.

Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and Answers" by:

Tony Capoccia
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