
How can I deal with hardships in life? My wife is not that strong enough to do all the household chores, for example, the washing of clothes and the ironing because she has a history of heart problems. She was diagnosed then to have an MVP ( Mitral Valve Prolapse - a heart ailment ).  Do we have verses in the Bible which could encourage me to accept these things?


What a blessing God has given you, to have opportunities to show love to your wife by serving her.  God has chosen her for you to help you grow more into His image.

God tells us to "Love our wives as Christ loves the Church and gave Himself up for her." [Ephesians 5:25].  Christ loved the church so much that He died for her.  You have not yet been asked to physically die for her, but you are dying to your own needs and wants in your own life to help her.

I'm sure if things were reversed and she was healthy, and you were weak, then she would be there by your side ministering to your every need.

One thing to remember is that your wife's needs come before the Church's needs.  In other words, other than attending church services, you should avoid being too involved in other ministries at church, because your wife is your primary ministry. You need to free up the time in your life to take care of her and the chores.

It's also all about attitude.  Don't think of how bad you have it by having to iron and do the washing--do everything unto the Lord!  Do it with Joy, for Jesus said, "...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers [or sisters] of Mine, you did for Me." [Matthew 25:40]. Also, " humility consider others [your wife] better than yourselves." [Philippians 2:3]

Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and Answers" by:

Tony Capoccia
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