
Our pastor and elders shy away from church discipline. The reply I get is that the church is for sinners and the wheat will grow with the tares.  


This is not true, the church is for the believers, albeit redeemed sinners!  The purpose of the pastor and leaders is to equip the saints to live holy lives in our society, so they can win the lost, and then bring the new converts to the church to be baptized and equipped. 

We are commanded by the Word to discipline those in the church who are sinning, which not only brings a true Christian back to the path of righteousness, but also serves to "weed out" those who are not true Christians and do not desire salvation.    


Now the problem I have, is that we as members of the church should submit to the leaders of the church. If they say they are dealing with the situation but clearly they aren't, what is the next step for a member. Should one find a church that practices the Word of God in word and deed?  


Well, as you know there are no perfect churches, but a church must be striving to "go the right direction" and hold the truth of God's Word in high esteem.  I have always used this concept: is the problem being addressed by the leadership?  If the leadership sees the problem and is trying to correct it through proper teaching, then they are "part of the solution," and then I would stay and be part of the change.  But if the church has a serious doctrinal flaw and refuses to correct it, then the leadership is "part of the problem" and it is time to move on to find a church willing to walk in God's ways.

Today, in America the "church" is rapidly turning away from God's truth, and it gets harder each year to find pastors and leaders who are willing to follow the Word, no matter what the cost is.  Often when Christians search for a new church, they find one that is not very strong, but wants to do what God wants, if someone will show them--now that's a church that is pleasing to Christ. 

Bottom line, the church today has and is suffering today because of the failure to discipline the sinning members.  

Added to Bible Bulletin Board's "Tony Capoccia's Questions and Answers" by:

Tony Capoccia
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